Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hi Kay!

Building that playground seems so long ago, but it was great to see it all over again. To make a long story short, the assistant principal asked me for help with the project. She originally just wanted to see if we could provide food for the event. Then she needed volunteers. So I arranged for a full breakfast and lunch service to be provided by Sodexho and Preferred Meals. When Mrs. B* needed people, I started recruiting Sodexho folks, vendors, and colleges. We had about 200 Sodexho folks volunteer from school services, campus services, and facilities services. We had Sodexho vendors volunteer as well. I was asked to be a team captain and recruited 2 other Sodexho managers as well. The day before all the voluteers came to build the playground, we had a prep day, which Sodexho provided the food as well. But we basically dug up the whole concrete. It was one of the best experiences of my life. Its always great to give back to the community and help re-build New Orleans. I think the most rewarding part of my job is helping the New Orleans Recovery School re-build. We've build other playgrounds since then at other schools we service food to. We donate time and food to the Kaboom projects at our schools. I hope all is well with you. Once again, thanks for giving me that chance to make every day a better day. To think, I almost left Sodexho.

Below is the link of the show

VC Area Manager
Sodexho School Services


Kerry Noone, Amtrak Careers said...

Hi Kay - I like what you have done here with your blog! I'll add it as a link on the Career blog. Great concept!

Kay said...

Thank you, it's easy for me to direct people straight here!